A Beautiful Responder Story

The ministry is a collection of incredible people and testimonies that allow us to meet a lost and broken world with Jesus. It would take a thousand newsletters to share each of their stories. However, occasionally, we like to share one with you to highlight how blessed the ministry is by these faithful saints. Christina Joy Hommes is one of those incredible responders and we trust you will enjoy hearing from her.

How did you get introduced to Need Him Global?

A few years ago, I asked the Lord to give me a way I could share the gospel regularly. I couldn’t go door-to-door or do other in-person evangelism because of health challenges, and I wondered what else might be possible. Just a few weeks later, a friend mentioned that she was working with an online evangelism ministry. Immediately I knew the Lord had sent the answer in His wonderful way. It’s been such a blessing to me ever since. Not only does it provide regular opportunities for me to share the gospel from home, it also gives opportunities to encourage and disciple Christians who come in with questions and concerns.

What’s the biggest lesson learned from having conversations through Need Him Global?

The conversations I have through Need Him Global highlight the importance of knowing God’s Word. I love the way the Lord has provided answers for every question and life situation in the Bible. It’s rewarding to see the way the Lord often lines up what I’m reading and studying in Scriptures with the conversations He brings. It’s also a blessing to watch the way the Lord uses my experiences to prepare me to help others going through similar things.

What is your favorite part of having conversations through the ministry?

There are so many things I love about the conversations I have through Need Him Global – leading people to Christ, helping believers find assurance of their salvation, bringing comfort to broken hearts. I think my favorite part is watching God’s love and truth bring peace and joy to those I talk with.

How has your spiritual journey been impacted by volunteering here?

Need Him Global provides opportunities for me to fulfill the great commission. It has given me an outlet for sharing the gospel that I wouldn’t otherwise have. It’s also been wonderful to watch the Lord connect me to just the right people and direct the conversations. Seeing Him do this time and again has given me a richer appreciation for the skill and love of His guidance and plan.

How does this fit into your life and efforts to serve God and share the Gospel?

Need Him Global is my primary outlet for evangelism. It’s also an exciting way to share what the Lord has taught me with other believers looking for encouragement and answers. I’ve learned that when God gives a command that’s impacted by a limitation, He’ll make them work together. I’m so thankful for the way I’ve seen Him work this out for me. For me the fact that I can share the love of Christ from home is an answer to prayer. And the flexibility to take chats any time of day or night is great, too.

What would you say to others considering volunteering with the ministry?

It’s totally worth it! I would encourage anyone who is considering volunteering with Need Him Global to do so. It’s such a wonderful way to connect with people who are looking for answers about Jesus, life, and the Bible. If someone is unsure about being able to answer questions, I’d say that it’s not about being smart enough or having the perfect answers. The Holy Spirit can and will use any of us if we let Him. The fact that He uses imperfect people who give imperfect answers just highlights His power and wisdom. Volunteering with Need Him Global has been such a blessing to me. There’s nothing better than getting to be part of God’s work in another person’s life!