Need Him Global serves the Lord Jesus and in doing so, seeks to be an organization of individuals whose moral conduct is above reproach. Moral Integrity, Accountability and Responsibility shall permeate our every conversation, deed, and intention as we represent Need Him Global and the Lord Jesus. We call ourselves to the highest level of professional ethics and strive to hold ourselves and each other accountable through mutual respect, work ethic, and vigilance in a manner that pleases the Lord.
To further the foregoing ideals, all directors, officers, staff members, residents, and responders, whether paid or volunteer, are expected to cooperate fully with this Code of Conduct.
All persons must also read and act consistent with the Responder Training Manual and all changes or additions thereto.
This Code of Conduct applies to all people that get online and respond to those that contact the ministry through the Echo response system. Failure to cooperate with or abide by this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including termination from employment or service to the ministry. Need Him Global also reserves the right to apply appropriate disciplinary action, including termination of services, for violations of this Code of Conduct that may occur “off-duty.”
Protecting Your Testimony
Realize that an entire life of service and ministry can be destroyed instantly with one careless act. Every interaction you have on behalf of the ministry may be attributed to the ministry and therefore has wide reaching consequences. The ultimate goal in all we do is to bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus. Maintaining practices, which are above reproach, will help to mitigate or eliminate fabricated accusations.
Moral Integrity
At Need Him Global, we are committed to protect your integrity and the reputation of God’s church. The Bible says that ministry leaders are to be “above reproach” (1 Timothy 3:2). To this end, we have adopted the following conduct expectations related to moral integrity and everyone participating in the ministry, including all who respond to those that contact the ministry through the Echo response system online, must abide by the following:
- Be submitted daily to the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) so that he can work through your life to advance the Kingdom.
- Seek to manifest the “fruit of the Spirit” in your daily lifestyle: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).
- Obey the biblical command to “flee from sexual immorality” (1 Corinthians 6:18), living above reproach with members of the opposite sex.
- Seek to avoid compromising situations such as being alone with the opposite sex at home. Avoid comments and actions that could be misconstrued.
- Do not pastor or officiate any marriage ceremonies where the participants do not fit within the biblical definition of holy matrimony.
- Be gracious in speaking to and about others: “Do not speak evil against one another” (James 4:11). Refuse slander and gossip, “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).
- Dress and act with modesty and decorum (1 Timothy 2:9-10), seeking to “be holy in all your conduct” (1 Peter 1:15).
- Be a good steward of the ministry’ s financial and physical resources, knowing that you will be held accountable by God for the use of his possessions (2 Corinthians 5:10).
- Initiate reconciliation wherever necessary. If you are hurt: “if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone” (Matthew 18:15). If you have hurt someone else: “if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:23-24).
- Seek to glorify God in all you do: “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Confidentiality Policy and Pledge
The following information that is not otherwise publicly available shall be considered confidential information:
- All information that a responder learns about Need Him Global and any ministry or partner that is included within the Echo Response Platform.
- All personal information including the specific details that are acquired through conversations with Seekers while serving the ministry.
- All training information, manuals, and processes acquired through serving the ministry.
- All technical information, system operations and software related to the Echo Response Platform.
Responders may not share, reprint, publish or disclose confidential information to anyone who is not employed by Need Him Global. The disclosure, distribution, electronic transmission or copying of any confidential information for any use outside performance feedback from a Need Him Global supervisor is prohibited.
As the world becomes more digital, we look to comply with the privacy laws within every jurisdiction we have conversations in around the world. You agree to adhere to the following for the protection of yourself and our guests:
- Every conversation (calls, chats, texts, social media messages, etc.) will be managed within Echo and never taken offline.
- You will NEVER share your full name or any personal information with a guest that would allow them to contact or find you outside the Echo platform.
- You will NEVER share information displayed in the system (location, IP Address, number of conversations, prior topics, tags, aliases, notes, etc.) with any seeker.
- You will keep confidential ALL personal information you learn or acquire through any form of interaction within Echo.
- You will not speak on behalf of another responder or share any personal information about others that serve the ministry.
- Always ask another responder if they want to accept a transfer rather than assume so, even if the seeker asks for them by name.
- You will direct all questions about the ministry, leadership, volunteering or complaints to
Any responder who fails to adhere to these policies or discloses confidential information will be subject to disciplinary action (including removal as a volunteer) and/or legal action, even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosure of such information. This obligation carries forward even if you discontinue serving the ministry.
Wrongful Conduct
It is important that every person affiliated with Need Him Global be adequately prepared and educated for the ministry in which they serve others, and to understand the ways in which their use or misuse of authority may impact others. You are encouraged to nurture safety within Ministerial Relationships by being attentive to self-care, education, maintaining appropriate boundaries, and the importance of referring those in need to appropriate, supportive and helpful resources. Wrongful Conduct by anyone engaged in ministry on behalf of Need Him Global is unethical behavior and will not be tolerated within this organization.
Questionable Conduct
Apart from any disposition of the matter by the Ministry, all allegations of behavior, which call into question the fitness for ministry of any employee or responder, will promptly be forwarded to the President for review by the Board of Directors.
The appropriate Need Him Global representative(s) will perform an investigation of the report, which may include interviewing witnesses and the alleged perpetrator. Need Him Global will take swift, corrective action that is reasonably calculated to prevent similar incidents. Need Him Global will not retaliate against anyone for making a good faith report of an incident of suspected Wrongful Conduct or other workplace hostility.
In the course of your activities on behalf of Need Him Global, if anyone you engage identifies a need for professional counseling, you should alert them to the fact that we are not counselors and suggest they seek professional counseling. Need Him Global is not a licensed or otherwise qualified counseling service and you should never offer “professional counseling” to anyone contacting the ministry. You can use the organizations included in our training materials to help people find Christian counseling.
Social Media
Need Him Global values the potential good that comes from personal web pages, social networking pages, blogs, texting, instant messaging, email, and other forms of social networking and electronic communications. Simultaneously, we recognize that misunderstanding, personal offense, legal exposure, and damage to the Ministry community can potentially accompany use of these mediums. All responders and staff members are to abide by the following communication guidelines:
Offer a Disclaimer: lnformation and communications that you publish on personal online sites should never appear to be endorsed by, or to have originated from, Need Him Global absent express authorization from Need Him Global. A disclaimer should be used, such as this: “Please know that these are my personal views and not necessarily those of Need Him Global.” In all cases, caution and moral integrity should be used in any communication that may be perceived as being authorized or endorsed by Need Him Global.
Keep Confidences and Avoid Libel: Communications should never share confidential information. With any public postings, the posting party may be legally liable for what is posted. Laws governing slander, libel, defamation, and copyright could apply. Outside parties may pursue legal action against the posting party for inappropriate, defamatory, and/or libelous postings.
Do NOT Abuse the Property of Others: You should get appropriate permission before referring to or posting images of current or former employees, responders, and ministers, as well as appropriate, written permission to use any Need Him Global or third-party copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property, including software or other computer applications.
Do NOT engage in Polarizing Political Speech: As a non-profit organization, there are certain restrictions placed on Need Him Global in order to keep our non-profit tax-exempt status. For instance, we cannot endorse or support political candidates and we cannot use our assets to engage in inappropriate lobbying. No communications should lead recipients to believe that Need Him Global is endorsing a political candidate or party for office.
Respect the Ministry and its Staff: Electronic communications are generally public or easily made public, so you should be respectful to the Ministry, our leaders, employees, and responders. Anyone that uses electronic communications to disparage the name or reputation of the Ministry, its practices, or its leaders, staff members, or responders may be subject to discipline.
Ministry Logos: You should not use Need Him Global, or other ministry properties such as or, or any other ministry web sites, logos or slogans on personal communications and should not reproduce Ministry material without first obtaining permission.
I have reviewed the Code of Conduct and agree, as a condition of volunteering, serving or being employed by Need Him Global, to abide by and to cooperate with the policies and standards outlined in this Code of Conduct and all policies and training outlined in the Responder Training Manual.