Got Questions

Kingdom partnerships often work in unexpected ways. This should not surprise us because we know God is operating from a perfect eternal perspective and often brings blessings through unanticipated means. One of the many awesome things about serving a ministry is that we get to see this and be reminded frequently. One of these examples is our partnership with Got Questions Ministries.

Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify Jesus Christ by providing biblical and applicable answers to spiritually related questions on the internet. Their desire is to assist others understand God, scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics through a theologically conservative and non-denominational Christian view. The web site now receives over 12 million visitors per month and has answered over 552,000 questions with over 4400 of the most popular articles available online.

Many years ago, we started discussing a partnership that would allow us access to this content so we could provide our volunteers with another quick and reliable resource for a wide array of questions. This then graduated into incorporating all the Got Questions content into the Echo response platform.

Last year, Got Questions added a chat link into several articles so people that still had questions could talk with Need Him Global volunteers to learn more about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Now a chat option linking visitors to us is included on every page.

This past year, we also started jointly publishing reading plans on topics we see growing in interest but with little reliable and biblically-grounded information available. This means people seeking information on those topics can now read an article at or through the reading plan available through and the Holy Bible app.

We all recognize that spiritual battlefields exist all around us and nowhere more so than the internet. There are distractions everywhere we turn online and many sites that even try to provide a similar service but are often unbiblical and lead searching people down a false path. We are grateful for the seriousness of how Got Questions approaches this responsibility and the chance to share the Gospel with more people through this partnership.