Catching up with one of our former Residents

Over four years ago, we had the pleasure of having a young man named Dani Murphy from Northern Ireland join our Resident Leadership Program. He was in seminary at DTS and it quickly become clear he had a gift for connecting with young people. We recently caught up and wanted to share some of his story.

What are you doing these days? 

I currently serve for a youth organization in Northern Ireland. We recruit and train young leaders for the local church. They become part of a small group that meets over a sixth month period for formal biblical training that culminates with a mission experience overseas. I also spend time mentoring several young fellas (to use an Irish term). 

What led you to reach back out to Need Him?

I was talking with a young man I am mentoring and was struck with deep gratitude for my experience as a Resident. This young fella kept asking me question after question. It hit me that these were all issues which I learned how to respond to during my year at Need Him. It was a wonderful moment in my relationship with God when I realized that He had weaved my past into my present. This moment reminded me of his faithful care over my spiritual formation for his glory. But it was even more life giving as it dispelled the enemy lie I had been recently battling that I was not really making much of a difference for God. 

Looking back, what was the biggest impact from serving as a Resident?

I gained the ability to listen better. It grew my heart for communicating the gospel to all people regardless of age or geography. I also increased my awareness and clarity for communicating the Gospel simply but completely. It led to a thirst to learn how to answer any type question and it gave me greater confidence. I love what I now do and know part of that is due to my time online.

Is there one lesson that you learned as a Resident that you use now?

My experience helped me understand the importance of encouragement. Everyone needs to be encouraged. I now follow up with every person I have a conversation with through thank you letters, text messages or WhatsApp. Written words have the power to encourage and comfort even in moments when they do not hear my voice or feel God’s presence.