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At What Cost?
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous topic, sparking debates about its potential benefits and risks. As AI’s capabilities expand, a thought-provoking question emerges:…

Breaking Barriers in Digital Ministry
Technology keeps evolving and transforming how we share the Gospel. This creates unprecedented opportunities for believers with physical limitations to engage in global evangelism. Through our Echo Evangelism Response platform, anyone with internet…

Resident Profile: Vlad Hruntkovskyi
The Resident Leadership Program has welcomed over 220 seminarians from 20 different countries. Vlad was the first participant from Ukraine. Born and raised in Ukraine, where only 3% of the population identifies as Protestant, Vlad grew up in…

Spirituality Without Faith
In today’s culture, many seek spiritual fulfillment without embracing traditional faith. This growingly popular “spiritual but not religious” movement emphasizes personal growth and inner peace. At its core, secular spirituality focuses…

Cultural Context Matters
One of the more powerful aspects of online evangelism is that it offers easy access to conversations with people from diverse cultural and faith backgrounds worldwide. This global reach means we often encounter individuals hearing about Jesus…

You Can Do This!
The Great Commission is Jesus’ final instruction to his disciples before ascending to heaven. This pivotal moment sets forth the mission to go make disciples and includes a promise of God being with all who follow through on this call.

Critical Differences
People considering online evangelism often inquire about how it is different than how they have shared Jesus in the past. It is a good question because there are critical differences with face-to-face evangelism but also wonderful opportunities…

The Value of Time
Summer is often a season where we try to change the normal rhythms of life. We look to get away from work, go on vacation and spend more time with family. When those trips and time off end, we frequently wonder where the time went.
Time is…

Are there any Winners in Cancel Culture?
What comes to mind when you read the words “Cancel Culture”? Is this a more positive or negative concept in your mind?
Decades ago, the cancel culture movement was about undoing social injustice with an aim for progress and change. The…

A Culture of Interruption
We live in a time when life seems to move and change faster than in decades past. This feeling is exacerbated by the pervasiveness of interruptions in our lives. The number of messages, alerts and notifications on our mobile devices can be staggering.