Critical Differences

People considering online evangelism often inquire about how it is different than how they have shared Jesus in the past. It is a good question because there are critical differences with face-to-face evangelism but also wonderful opportunities to meet more people and easily get started for those that have yet to start sharing Jesus.
One of the biggest differences is that conversations come to you. Responders receive inquiries without having to initiate them, eliminating one of the biggest fears in evangelism: finding someone and starting a conversation. In online evangelism, seekers contact us and all you must do is greet them and ask them what is going on so you can find the right way to introduce Jesus.

Another significant benefit is that you can share Jesus from the comfort and safety of your own home. And you have the gift of not having to do this alone as there are other responders online with you. Your brothers and sisters are available for questions and encouragement as you are talking with people online.
You also get the amazing opportunity to meet seekers from all over the world. People you might never encounter in person are now just a click away, ready to share their stories and hear how Jesus has transformed your life.

A further key difference is the absence of visual cues. We only see words on a screen so it can be more difficult to discern tone or emotions, without the benefit of body language, facial expressions, or vocal inflections. This obstacle can be overcome by asking clarifying questions to better understand the person’s perspective and why their topic is important to them.

You will also have the benefit of a wide assortment of resources available at your fingertips. You have immediate access to outlines for handling difficult topics, links to verses and biblical questions, and contact information for experts and organizations when specialized help is needed.
We all know the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. You can become a harvester by simply loving people, listening to their stories, and engaging in online conversations