Discipling New Believers

Need Him Global has always been at the very front lines of the battle. We focus on meeting people that have been running from God or know nothing about Him. As we have seen the world and ministry each change over time, many we now talk with who profess their faith in Jesus Christ do not have friends, relatives or nearby community that are excited about this decision. They are in places that have no real Christian presence or community. Some of these new believers are even in countries that threaten Christians, and their fresh faith is now a safety issue for them.

Several years ago, the ministry launched a reading plan for new believers. The idea was to help this person understand that the decision to follow Jesus is just the beginning of our spiritual journey. It is not just a moment in time but the start of true change in our lives. It helps them learn how to understand what God desires, how to communicate with Him, and how to start living a life centered around our commitment to trust and follow Him.

While we have seen over 64,000 new believers sign up for this reading plan in the past few years, we have also seen a desire from some of them to go deeper and find additional resources. More people coming to Christ are looking for help in walking in faith until they can find the healthy community God desires we each find with other believers.

The ministry recently decided to take the next step in discipling these new believers. We launched a new web site – www.newbeliever.net. This site goes deeper into introducing someone into what to expect and what to do in order to start walking with Jesus and experiencing all He desires for us. 

The site includes major sections on the new life that comes with salvation, prayer, and God’s Word. It also includes help on finding community and worship, what does obedience and change look like, along with answers to common struggles and questions. Each section is filled with an assortment of articles and videos from trusted sources and partners. Of course, it also includes a way for these new believers to reach back out and have conversation with us so we can encourage them. Please pray for this new resource to help those that have chosen Jesus but who are alone in their new faith.