Reaching The World

As we shared in the last newsletter, the worldwide pandemic produced a significant increase in the volume of all conversation types we offer. As a ministry, we watched this closely with the goal of spending wisely to reach more people while also not trying to use precious funds to reach those other ministries were pursuing.

Several ministries decided to have online events to generate conversation while much of the world was in lockdown. Need Him Global managed the follow up conversations for two such major events in May. 

The first was Today – A Day of Good News. This was a 24 live hour event on YouTube and Facebook by a new partner ministry in the UK. People from around the world joined them to hear the Gospel from dozens of different believers around the world. Viewers were directed to a web site that allowed them to connect with our volunteers via online chat. 

The other event was with our long-time partner Luis Palau Evangelistic Association. Stories of Hope was a virtual online festival with live music brought together by Andrew Palau. This program also included multiple testimonies from well-known Christians from all walks of life. Each of them shared their story and started by completing the sentence, “I have hope because…”. We were honored to be the live response for those with questions on how to know Jesus personally. 

This incredible collaboration saw over 5.5 million viewers from all over the world with over 2500 people from 114 different countries making a decision to follow Christ on the day of the event. These numbers are still growing with the event still available online. 

We continue to seek God’s wisdom on where best to share the message of Jesus while at the same time partnering with those that lack the volunteer base and technology to meet those they are reaching. Despite slowing our own advertising last quarter, we saw a record-breaking number of conversations with a higher percentage of those resulting in professions of faith and Gospel presentations.