Academic Partnerships

We have always believed volunteering to share the Gospel is something every seminary student should do. We know the knowledge that they acquire in seminary is incredibly valuable. Students eventually become pastors or leaders in ministry and…

Partner-Driven Conversations

The ministry started with widespread partnerships in the Christian radio industry. A large part of our early conversations were the product of us receiving free commercials on Christian radio with an invitation for listeners to learn more about…

Kingdom-Based Mission Work from Here to Eternity

I will admit that I have found myself thinking more about Christ’s return and heaven than at any point in my life. Many I share this with say the same. The darker the world gets the more we seek the light.  But we need to stand together….…

The Conversation of the Future

Over previous newsletters, we have shared a few of the ways our conversations are more complex than when we first started. The pandemic was an accelerant for many struggles such as loneliness, anxiety, depression, and addiction issues. Additionally,…

Reaching All People with the Gospel

The Gospel has traveled the world in very different ways over the past two centuries. There are times it was met with open arms and other periods of history where colonialism and other agendas made it much less receptive. Often the openness…

How Generation Z is Completely Different

Generation Z is made up of those born between 1997 and 2016. They are considered the most digitally advanced generation having grown up in a connected world. They are the first generation to be raised in the era of smartphones with no memory…

Discipling New Believers

Need Him Global has always been at the very front lines of the battle. We focus on meeting people that have been running from God or know nothing about Him. As we have seen the world and ministry each change over time, many we now talk with…

Reaching Every Generation

One of the beautiful and unique things about Need Him Global is that we talk with everyone. We speak with all ages, all countries, all faiths and people with all sorts of life issues. This creates a challenge in connecting with people that…

Catching up with one of our former Residents

Over four years ago, we had the pleasure of having a young man named Dani Murphy from Northern Ireland join our Resident Leadership Program. He was in seminary at DTS and it quickly become clear he had a gift for connecting with young people.…

New Volunteer Initiatives

The topic and tenor of conversations the ministry has each day have changed over the years. Topics like pornography, self-harm, sexual identity and suicide that were once infrequent and rarely discussed are now common. These are issues that…

Beautiful Feet

As Chairman of the Board of Need Him Global, I’ve reflected on what the Lord has done over the last 25 years of the ministry and, in doing so, two realities become abundantly clear: 1) Our Heavenly Father is still in the business of pursuing…

The Great Commission – We don’t do this alone

The ministry has been blessed with a significant increase in the number of new volunteers over the past two quarters. This article reminds us that we are each called and have the ability to participate. At the end of Jesus time on earth,…

Reviving Evangelism

The ministry has been on the front lines of evangelism for over two decades and we are blessed to see more people coming to us for conversation. However, the challenges to sharing Jesus are growing and we have to adapt to navigate this new…

Opportunity in the Midst of Adversity

The ministry has had a significant increase in conversations for the past two quarters. This article outlines one of the many reasons why this has happened. Something interesting has happened over the past six months. As I have been walking…

New Kingdom Partnership

Many people and organizations that are focused on sharing the Gospel around the world have been significantly impacted by the lockdown and are unable to operate as they normally would before the world changed. Fortunately, Need Him Global not…

More New Volunteers!

We have been sharing how our volunteer base has been growing dramatically this year. We have now seen more new volunteer applications this year than the total number we received for all of the previous two years combined. One such example of…

Reaching The World

As we shared in the last newsletter, the worldwide pandemic produced a significant increase in the volume of all conversation types we offer. As a ministry, we watched this closely with the goal of spending wisely to reach more people while…

Meeting a distant and lonely world

The Response Team has spent the past few months considering some growing trends in the world and in how we talk with people online. For instance, as our percentage of international conversations has increased, the need to appreciate cultural…

Dramatic growth in volunteer base

Need Him Global’s response model has been built upon having faithful volunteers that desire to meet all people and share the Gospel. We have been fortunate over the years to have many that fill that description. We also keep looking for new…

Sharing hope in uncertain times

Using media to share the Gospel and offer an electronic means to respond has never been more relevant in our lifetime. We have seen God use the ministry in many different ways over the past two plus decades. However, it is even easier to see…

How can we pray for your family?

At any given time, families can be going through really challenging issues that threaten to pull them apart. If you are lucky enough to not be there right now, then the holiday season may have at least reminded you of other ways families struggle…

Where would you go for help?

We live in a world full of pain. Our struggles come in many shapes and when one problem goes away there often is another coming. As a ministry, we feel the weight of how broken the world is by the sheer number, depth and variety of issues that…

Leveraging partnerships for kingdom growth

In a world overcrowded by competing forms of information and media, it can be difficult to reach the right audience with your message. We have more information than we need or would have ever imagined on our phones. We also have more entertainment…

”Who is John and is 316 the Page Number?”

 This was the response I received the first time I tried to share John 3:16 with a seeker. I wish I could say it was a unique experience but it is actually quite common.  The encouraging news according to a Barna Research Group…

Are You a Gateway or Roadblock to Christ?

 I recently was revisiting memories of conversations my grandparents and older relatives would have around the family table. They would lament how the world was “falling apart”. There were predictions of doom and gloom for future generations…

Welcome Our Newest Board Members

Serving on a non-profit board is not always easy. Need Him Global asks a lot from our board members so we go through an extensive recruiting process to make sure everyone understands what is involved and expected. For instance, the board meets…


One of the interesting aspects of this ministry is we get a preview of what the world is really struggling with before it becomes more widely known and accepted. Historically, we have seen this happen with dramatic increases in the number of…