Are You a Gateway or Roadblock to Christ?

 I recently was revisiting memories of conversations my grandparents and older relatives would have around the family table. They would lament how the world was “falling apart”. There were predictions of doom and gloom for future generations…

Welcome Our Newest Board Members

Serving on a non-profit board is not always easy. Need Him Global asks a lot from our board members so we go through an extensive recruiting process to make sure everyone understands what is involved and expected. For instance, the board meets…


One of the interesting aspects of this ministry is we get a preview of what the world is really struggling with before it becomes more widely known and accepted. Historically, we have seen this happen with dramatic increases in the number of…

Offering Biblical Truth Even After the Conversation is Over

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and believed you knew exactly what they needed but there was little chance they heard your advice and were going to follow through? In those times, we often feel like if only we could hand them…

Former Resident Update: Joy Kiruba Cherian

We recently shared how the Resident Leadership Program turned five years old this year and that we have seen over 100 different seminarians from ten different countries participate in this one-year internship program. We have witnessed how…

The Next Generation of Church Leaders

The Resident Leadership Program turned five years old last quarter. What started as a means of increasing the ministry response capacity has grown into one of the most unique training opportunities for future church leaders. We have seen over…

Taking Sin out of the Shadows

Sometimes we speak with believers lost in their own sin. They often know it and feel helpless to change. It is not about convincing them their actions are wrong or that they need Jesus. They are filled with guilt and shame and often just need…

The Theology of Technology

The ministry has always been committed to sharing the Gospel and offering people an opportunity to respond. How that happens has changed quite a bit in the two plus decades of history of Need Him Global. The media component has gone from Christian…

No Telling What Comes Next

As we were looking into what changes might affect the ministry in the coming years, we saw a story how the iPhone was introduced 12 years ago. Although mobile phones were growing in popularity at that time, they were still primarily a device…

Are you ready to help?

The first time we do something usually makes us nervous. Can you remember the first time you had to speak in public? How about the first time you shared your testimony with someone or walked a friend through the Gospel?  Jesus was very…

Looking Back Reveals God’s Grace

When we gather as a staff each week, we start by looking back to be reminded of what God has done and count our blessings before we look forward and focus on where He is taking us next. We thought that would be an appropriate perspective to…

Resident Profile: Kelsey Hinely

Kelsey attends Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Ft Worth and became a Resident with us in 2017. We wanted you to hear a little about her story and how she is helping bring the Gospel to difficult places around the world. Tell us about your…

Got Questions

Kingdom partnerships often work in unexpected ways. This should not surprise us because we know God is operating from a perfect eternal perspective and often brings blessings through unanticipated means. One of the many awesome things about…

Meeting People Where They Are 

Many years ago, Need Him Global was recognized for going somewhere no one thought God would show up. That campaign brought the Gospel to MTV. Much has changed since then. How people view television and movies is completely different. Technology…

The Patterson Center for Global Theological Innovation

One of the most significant changes in the ministry over the last five years has been the introduction of a formal internship program through the Resident Leadership Program (RLP). This has provided a more predictable and expanded response capability…


If we look back a decade ago, Need Him Global was Need Him Ministries and almost exclusively focused on answering telephone calls from Christian radio. Media was changing as was the opportunity to use different technologies like online chat…

DX Media Direct

Need Him Global has been blessed for over two decades to work with many partners that have helped us share the Gospel through different media. These have included Christian radio, newspapers, billboards, television and many others. Almost a…

Anchored North

The world is always changing and this is especially true in how we get information, make decisions and even purchase goods. There is a concept called platform economics that has exploded the last several years and transformed multiple industries.…

I Can Only Imagine

You have probably been able to pick up on how the ministry is becoming involved in more movies. We have seen tremendous response and continue to have conversations online each week from people that have just watched Woodlawn and Heart of Man. …

What’s New

td { border-top: 0; } tbody { border-bottom: 0; } The ministry has always shown a willingness to adapt to the use of different media to reach those that are running from God and church. These changes in media have allowed us to reach…

What is your one question?

During our most recent campaign on Pandora radio, we started collecting the first message we received from each person. As we evaluated these responses to see what was trending, and how we might better equip volunteers, it became apparent that…

What do seekers really want to talk about?

It would be nice if everyone that came to Need Him Global was ready to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and simply needed a few simple questions answered and a little encouragement that Jesus loves them. If you are one of the many…

New Seminary Partnership 

As most of you know, Need Him Global has been partnering with seminaries through our Resident Leadership Program. This one year internship is for seminary students with plans to become pastors, missionaries, and ministry influencers. These students…

Please Join Us in Prayer

The past few months have seen incredible disasters and heartbreak. We have watched the devastating impact of hurricanes and earthquakes as well as wild fires and mass shootings. We tune into the details of one crisis only to see another replace…

E-Tech Galaxy 

As a ministry that relies on volunteers to share the Gospel, we are always looking for creative ways to introduce believers to the opportunity for evangelism through Need Him Global. We are not able to do what we do without the faithful volunteers…

The Heart of Man

Need Him Global continues to be a unique follow up response option for film directors and producers. Once a movie with a Christian message is seen, there has traditionally not been a place where seekers could go to ask questions and start investigating…

New Volunteer Training Portal

One of the most dynamic and fluid areas of the ministry is all we are doing to train and prepare volunteers for sharing the Gospel online. When the ministry first started over two decades ago, the focus was phone calls and different ways to…